Tribute Wall
No Service Will Be Held.
The family wishes to express their deepest thanks for your many expressions of kindness.
Bev Bowers uploaded photo(s)
Friday, April 24, 2020
The 12 McKechnie siblings circa 1950’s. Uncle Herb is bottom right, in red plaid shirt. An extraordinary, hard working, sweet, happy man! I didn’t get to see you as much as I would have liked Uncle Herb, but I will never forget the farm, and your steady, easy ways. All my love to you, Auntie Gloria, Cheryl, Gregg, and Gerry, and family.
Bev Bowers Posted May 4, 2020 at 9:32 PM
Pat Dreger posted a condolence
Friday, April 24, 2020
Gloria and family!
I am sorry to hear of Herbs passing. It was so nice to look across from Jim's bed and seeing you sitting with Herb in Regina Hospital. It was nice to get out of the hospital and go for lunch with you. I know you will miss Herb a lot. Sending my love and prayers to all of you!
Kelly Stone posted a condolence
Thursday, April 23, 2020
We were so sorry to hear of Herb’s passing. Mom and Dad always enjoyed spending time with you both. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Love: Bill Klemmer; Kelly, Doug, Riley and Allison Stone; Corey, Melanie, Jack and Oliver Klemmer
Terry and Denise McKechnie posted a condolence
Thursday, April 23, 2020
We will miss Uncle Herb so much! I have some great memories of going to the farm as a kid. Uncle Herb was such an easy going gentleman and can't remember when he wasn't smiling. I'm so sorry Aunt Gloria. Please express our condolences to the family and pass on our love.
Terry and Denise
Barb & Greg Fysh posted a condolence
Thursday, April 23, 2020
My memories of Uncle Herb was his kindness and his warming smile that was infectious to everyone around him. He was very special to us all. Thinking of you, Auntie Gloria and family.
Jill McKechnie lit a candle
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Jill McKechnie posted a condolence
Thursday, April 23, 2020
I only met him a few times, but I remember him as being very warm and friendly. I'm glad he had 90 years to share with us.
Steve and Norma Mckechnie posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
My memory of Uncle Herb was his laugh that always brought a smile and laugh to us all. We’ll miss you Uncle Herb
Thinking of you Auntie Gloria and Family
Margaret RiceCa posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Sorry to hear of your loss. The Rice and McKechnie Families were always farmers and wanted to see things grow. This is a true loss to everyone.
Marg and Wayne Rice
Tammy Frost posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Herb was fun loving person sorry for your loss Gloria and family
Pam Lizee posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Gloria and family, sending my condolences at this difficult time. At this chaotic time in the world, know that people are holding you close to their hearts.
Amy Quark posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Thinking of you, Mrs. McKechnie, Gerry, and the rest of your families. I always think of Herb and your family as an example of the kind and friendly spirit of our town. I know Herb will be deeply missed. All my best, Amy Quark
Sandra Erb Stewart posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Dear Mrs. McKechnie - I so remember you and your husband in that little teacherage at Centre Ridge School. So sorry to hear of your loss - so many years of memories. May God comfort you and surround you with peace.
Barb & Greg Fysh posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
My memories of Uncle Herb was his kindness and his warming smile that was infectious to everyone around him. He was very special to us all. Thinking of you, Auntie Gloria and family.
Dan/Bev Noble posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Sending our condolences to Gloria and family. Always enjoyed a visit with Herb.
Donna Dreger Boulter posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
So very sorry for your loss. Herb was such a sweet man.
My fondness memory was meeting Gloria and Herb
Also coming to his rescue when he wanted the TV off..
Thinking of you Gloria
Steven Wuschke posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
My condolences to Gloria and family. I remember Herb when he married Gloria and they were living in the Centre Ridge School teachers house.
Lisa Chapman posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Gloria and family,
I am so saddened to see this today. I am so happy that we got that little bit of time in the hospital in Regina. It was so good to get to get to "meet" you two all over again. Sending love, hugs and sympathy to all,
Lisa Chapman (Pat Dreger's daughter)
Karen Bast posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Gloria and family. Our sincere condolences. I remember the visits when you and Herb came to visit Mom and Dad - the stories and laughter! Mom and dad enjoyed them so much.
Cindy schell posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Sending all my love Aunty Gloria to you and the family. Will cherish the many memories at the farm with Uncle Herb and all the family. Love you
Rose and Curtis, Kolton & Kaycee Nord posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
We are so sorry for your loss we will be keeping you in our prayers.
Elwood & Vern Lynds posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Most sincere condolences to all Herb’s Family. What a fine gentleman. From Elwood & Vern Lynds
J posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
I am so sorry for your loss! We are thinking of you guys and keeping you in our prayers.
Jason & Becky Johnston
Ivan and Lise Costley posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Our sincere condolences to Gloria and family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.
Melissa Page pledged to donate to STARS Air Ambulance
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Our deepest sympathy
Allan, Pierrette, Michelle, Ian, Don, Amy, Melissa, Adam, Jason, Shay
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The family of Herb McKechnie uploaded a photo
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
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Assiniboia Chapel
601 Highway 2 N.
Assiniboia, SK
S0H 0B0
F: (306) 642-4175
Gravelbourg Chapel
100 5th Avenue E.
Gravelbourg, SK
S0H 1X0
F: (306) 642-4175